Saturday, July 01, 2006


I've created this blog but didn't bother to look at it for a long time. But now, I have decided to post on this blog regularly. I will choose a topic for every post and then elaborate on that topic. Today’s topic is 'Weather'. From the past few days the weather in my city has been very pleasant. Since it's monsoon season, it can rain at any time. Strangely, it’s cloudy but not raining, which is making it very pleasant. Everyday while going to office, I say 'what a nice weather to go on a long drive'. If god grants me a wish, I would wish that the weather should remain like this. That's it for now.


Blogger Arunvijay said...


9:34 PM  
Blogger Rohit said...

how much did it cost u for using adwords??.
How are u goin to make up for it??

11:53 PM  
Blogger ராஜ் said...

how much did it cost u for using adwords??.

4:07 AM  
Blogger Aditya said...

i do blogging and earn money through that . i write articles on how to make free PC to phone calls Worldwide. But how are you benefitting from this.. confused???? My blog is

2:14 AM  
Blogger hafizgafoor said...

hai dear how r u ?sssssssssssssssssss

10:56 PM  
Blogger hafizgafoor said...

The Red Ribbon (Written by Staci Stallings, Courtesy to Inet)
Everyone wants a blue ribbon. Blue. First place. The best. Even kindergarteners want that blue ribbon. In sports, I was never a blue-ribbon person. In a race I was always last. In baseball I was as likely to get hit on the head as to drop the ball. In basketball I was fine as long as there weren't nine other players on the court with me. Where I got my horrible sports ability, I don't know, but I got it. And I got it early.

During the spring of my kindergarten year, our class had a field trip to a park in a town about 20 miles away. Making that drive now is no big deal, but when you're six and you've lived in a town of 300 all your life, going to a town of a couple thousand is a very big deal. Nonetheless, looking back now, I don't remember much of that day. I'm sure we ate our little sack lunches, played on the swings, slid down the slide, typical six-year-old stuff. Then it was time for the races.

However, these were no ordinary races. Some parent had come up with the idea to have the picnic kind of races, like pass the potato under your neck and hold an egg on a spoon while you run to the other side. I don't remember too much about these, but there was one race that will forever be lodged in my memory, the three-legged race. The parents decided not to use potato sacks for this particular race. Instead, they tied our feet together.

One lucky little boy got me for a partner. Now what you have to know about this little boy is that he was the second most athletic boy in our class. I'm sure he knew he was in trouble the second they laced his foot to mine. As for me, I was mortified. This guy was a winner. He almost always won, and I knew that, with me, he didn't have a chance.

Apparently he didn't realize that as deeply as I did at the time. He laced his arm with mine, the gun sounded, and we were off to the other side. Couples were falling and stumbling all around us, but we stayed on our feet and made it to the other side.

Unbelievably when we turned around and headed back for home, we were in the lead! Only one other couple even had a chance, and they were a good several yards behind us.

Then only feet from the finish line, disaster struck. I tripped and fell.

We were close enough that my partner could have easily dragged me across the finish line and won. He could have, but he didn't. Instead, he stopped, reached down, and helped me up, just as the other couple crossed the finish line. I still remember that moment, and I still have that little red ribbon.
When we graduated 13 years later, I stood on that stage and gave the Valedictory address to that same group of students, none of whom even remembered that moment anymore. So, I told them about that little boy who had made a split-second decision that helping a friend up was more important than winning a blue ribbon.

In my speech I told them that I wouldn't tell which of the guys sitting there on that stage was the little boy although he was up there with me. I wouldn't tell because in truth at one time or another all of them had been that little boy, helping me up when I fell, taking time out from their pursuit of their own goals to help a fellow person in need.

I told them why I've kept that ribbon. You see to me, that ribbon is a reminder that you don't have to be a winner in the eyes of the world to be a winner to those closest to you. The world may judge you a failure or a success, but those closest to you will know the truth. That's important to remember as we travel through this life.

You may not have a red ribbon to prove it, but I sincerely hope you have at least a few friends who remember you for taking time out from your pursuit of that blue ribbon to help them. I'm thinking those will be the ones that really count. I know it's the one that counted the most to me.

************ ********* ********* ******

God is .......
Love is .....

************ ********* ********* ******

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11:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi im interested in creating a blog of my own but dont know how to go about it.could you offer me any tips please?i would like one that is free.
i liked your pics.

5:27 AM  
Blogger B.Sanjan said...

Who would not like to have a pleasant weather. Your mood will of course is elevated early in the morning if you experience good weather.
Nice picture. I like it.

6:11 AM  
Blogger SUJAY said...

hiiii. Sujay here. i m confused about dis bloggin concept. even i want 2 create my own blog but i dnt know "how??". can u plz help me out? i m asking u bcoz i quiet like ur blog. plz b in contact. my email address is .

2:13 AM  
Blogger shaz wayward said...

hello, nice picture wish the weather was nice where i am. i also have a confession, yours is the first blogg ive ever read. yes, a blogg virgin!i dont even know where to begin to have one? will you let me know please x

2:40 PM  
Blogger Rishi said...


Your blog looks good, nice pic. good move to sign up in adwords, its great to create traffic.

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I have your blog in my bookmarks, I will defintely linking urs from mine, soon.

7:53 PM  
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11:10 PM  
Blogger abdul vahid v said...

good, but start posting daily..that may help you both to aearn money and improve your writing skills.....all the best....visit me also if yu feel free.

11:06 PM  
Blogger kanasu said...

nice blog.
how much did it cost you for using adwords?
my ID is,
and my blog is;

12:08 AM  
Blogger bhuvana said...

hey!...nice blog!!!...i am thinking of doing it too....i would be really delighted if u could tell me a few tips regarding dis!..

3:08 PM  
Blogger bhuvana said...

hey!...nice blog!!!...i am thinking of doing it too....i would be really delighted if u could tell me a few tips regarding dis!..

3:09 PM  
Blogger An Indian said...

Hi! :)

10:51 AM  
Blogger ALLA said...

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10:48 AM  
Blogger IKR-Wandering and Knowing said...

listen friend,you write well.the picture is excellent but you know write on any interesting will be like a treat to read that.

11:51 PM  
Blogger arnv said...

Then have a look at mine
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3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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here is my blog

2:03 PM  
Blogger prasad said...

hello brother please ad me my site in ur blog

10:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is Preeti.I m interested to write my own blogs...wud u help me write ?
however ur "weather is so pleasant " !!!

12:28 AM  
Blogger gopal said...

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11:49 PM  
Blogger Karen Walter said...

i think that this is a good blog but u have to improve urself.Still something is missing

11:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I Very good site, brilliant write up.
Maybe one or two thumbnails can be added.
think it should be promoted to front page.
While at it, may I ask how you setup your review system?
Thank you.

11:08 PM  
Blogger @rticles said...

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12:52 AM  
Blogger DAISY said...

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6:48 PM  
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12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

raining is the very good thing of the world ,people like to enjoy this beautiful season.

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9:59 PM  
Blogger Several tips said...

Your blog is good.

8:06 PM  
Blogger gurukul4all said...

nice work and pic,

8:20 AM  
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10:01 PM  
Blogger Arunava Mukherjee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Arunava Mukherjee said...

nice blog..keep it up....
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5:37 PM  
Blogger arnv said...

nice blog...wil revisit soon..
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6:36 PM  
Blogger Android said...

wow this is a amazing and awsome pic bro :D
i really liked it

1:47 PM  
Blogger xopun said...

nice blog!!!!!!!!

11:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It`s really a good this that you keep a blog.

But it was an unfortunate thing that you were not able to blogging frequently.

But, your start was good and that pic was great.

So best of luck for your blogging.

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2:37 AM  
Blogger Bharatdesi said...

Well said...

11:07 AM  
Blogger Freak :P said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:32 AM  
Blogger kiel said...

IT is nice but How u will make up it

2:21 AM  
Blogger Siddharth said...

hey,, that was a nice post..
i am new at blogging... ur suggestions will help...
my blog :

12:33 AM  
Blogger Amit Kumar said...

i like it

3:19 PM  
Blogger Amit Kumar said...

i like it

3:19 PM  
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12:35 AM  
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12:28 AM  
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10:08 PM  
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9:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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9:45 PM  
Blogger Manuel Pinto said...

Good to see people blogging.. :)

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12:54 PM  
Blogger Anil Kumar Singh said...

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7:52 PM  
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11:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow it's really good.
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9:14 PM  
Blogger said...

How much did you spend on adwords? I m also thinking of using adwords for my blog

10:58 PM  
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9:31 PM  
Blogger santosh kumar said...

nice picture

7:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, nice blog
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8:58 PM  
Blogger anu@angel said...

hmm yaaa weather is jus awesomee when i enjoy in lovely morning.............

6:01 AM  
Blogger sharegyan said...

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10:09 PM  
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4:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it is a good post
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10:22 PM  
Blogger Prabhasa said...

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10:39 PM  
Blogger Prabhasa said...


10:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


7:36 PM  
Blogger SBLT - Sri Bhagyalakshmi Travel Access said...

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raining is the very good thing of the world ,people like to enjoy this beautiful season.

This has got to be one of the best-written blogs -

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11:35 PM  
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3:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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Keep your Posting every day as much as possible.
Good luck

10:41 PM  
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3:52 AM  
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1:27 AM  
Blogger Mukesh said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:12 AM  
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8:33 AM  
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1:17 AM  
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10:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If god grants me a wish, I would wish that the weather should remain like this. That's it for now...I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts.different

2:07 AM  
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2:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I told them why I've kept that ribbon. You see to me, that ribbon is a reminder that you don't have to be a winner in the eyes of the world to be a winner to those closest to you. The world may judge you a failure or a success, but those closest to you will know the truth. That's important to remember as we travel through this life.somethingI hope it reaches your targetted audience. all the best thank you.

2:14 AM  

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